| 1. | He brushed by without noticing me . 他飞跑过去,没有注意到我。 |
| 2. | When he opened the door the cat ran out and brushed by his legs 当他一开门,那只猫跳了出来,偎依在他的脚边。 |
| 3. | The trees across the lake merged in a soft mist as their reflections are brushed by a breeze 湖边的树木笼罩在雾霭之中,微风吹拂着它们的倒影。 |
| 4. | So , instead of creating a null _ brush , i created a pattern brush by using a chunk of bitmap from where the edit control is going to be shown 所以我不是创建了一个null _ brush ,而是通过用编辑框所在区域的位图创建了一个模式刷。 |
| 5. | He sprang to the corner of the brick store . the next moment two men brushed by him , and one seemed to have something under his arm . it must be that box 他连跑带跳来到砖厂拐弯的地方,这时两个男人从他身边一掠而过,其中一人腋下挟着件东西,一定是宝箱! |
| 6. | Its most notable masterworks include a portrait sculpture of cloistered emperor kameyama and a document brushed by the emperor himself wishing for prosperity of the temple 展现龟山法皇风姿的雕刻和绘画,还有亲自书写的起愿文不可不看。优秀的水墨画作品也非常多,众多装点名刹的至宝也一并展出。 |
| 7. | Stiff breezes thwarted repeated efforts to set the flags ablaze with a blowtorch until an emergency management official doused the flags with rum . hurricane wilma flooded about 3 , 700 of the island ' s 15 , 000 residences with a foot or more of water in october and the resort island off the southern tip of florida was also brushed by hurricanes dennis , rita and katrina 据路透社12月1日报道,基韦斯特岛是位于美国佛罗里达州最南端外海上的一个旅游度假胜地,在今年10月份,威尔玛飓风使得该岛1 . 5万所住房中的3700所被淹,屋内水深达到了1英尺以上。 |